
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Time Fun

Here are some pictures I've taken throughout the summer that I think are fantastic :) Of course, I'm biased!

Loving life hanging out in her splash pool!

First thing in the morning, she wanted her sunglasses on. Such a rockstar!

This time she found Mommy's sunglasses.

A milky smile with her first pony tail in!

Friday, July 23, 2010

17 months old!

Well as I am trying to catch up on all this summers events, I thought I better update a little about our little peanut as she is 17 months old today! At 15 months she was 17 lbs 5 oz which is below the zero percentile. Last time I put her on the scale she was 18 lbs..needless to say, still a peanut! I cannot wait until she hits the 20 lb. mark and we can FINALLY turn her around to front facing in her car seat!

Hannah is a little chatterbox. With that comes a lot of frustration because she can't always communicate what she wants. Sometimes she gets a bit loud saying "I want that! I want that!" What a great first sentence to learn huh? :) Hannah loves to sing. She will sing her ABC's (she can recite them to G..with E F G being the clearest) and most of the time just babbles to the tune, especially when we are in the car.

She is a social butterfly. When we are walking around stores, every time we see someone, she says Hi! Literally to everyone! For the most she will go to anyone after a few minutes.

Hannah finally started walking at 15 1/2 months. She has mastered that enough that she basically runs if she sees something she wants...or runs as she chases after me. We are quite the momma's girl these days. She loves to try and walk backwards and lately she has discovered she can side step and likes to do that around in a circle. It's pretty funny to watch.

Like I said, she is quite a chatterbox. Let me see if I can think of all the words she can say. Her best phrase is ALL BETTER! She lets you know when something isn't right and when we fix it, thats the response we get! Other words: Hi, bye, doggie, birdie, fishy, mickey, cheese, water, ball, daddy, momma, Audi (her cousin), that, this, blankie, shoe, out, done, off (she will tell you she wants her shoes off), on, thank you, excuse me, bless you, Papa (for Grandpa). She can count to 1, 2, 3. We are working on animal sounds...she has the monkey down pat, her dog sounds like a monkey half the time, and growls for bears. She has started agreeing with what you are saying, if she wants it. She answers with OK..its pretty cute. She will ask "What is this (or that) when looking at things in a book. She wants me to tell her what EVERYTHING is! I'm sure there are more, and some probably pretty obvious that I am forgetting, but oh well! :)

Hannah loves to dance. She swings her hips back and forth pretty fast and bounces up and down whenever she hears music. Sometimes she'll put her arms up in the air and wave them too. She loves music! Overall we still have a very happy little girl. She is a complete ham and when people come over she definitely loves the attention and eats it up. She's a bit of a show off :) I have a feeling that smile will get her away with somethings in life....She certainly makes you laugh and brightens up your day. We couldn't feel more blessed that after it taking so long, we have an incredible little angel we get to hold each and every day!

Hannah enjoying sitting and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Indy - Children's Museum

This was very much an impromptu trip to Indy. I was presented with an opportunity to go see the show "Jersey Boys" with the girls at the last minute so being that it is summer and we have freedom, I jumped at the chance. Luckily, Andy is able to be flexible and switched his schedule around so he could come hang out with the guys and kids while we were at the show!

The next morning we headed to the Children's Museum with Jenn, Blake, and Morgan. It was Hannah's first time and she had a blast. She loved the area for the little kids best because she was able to move around and really play more on her own.

She had just begun to finally walk around on her own, but was still pretty wobbly so we had to hold on to her hand a little as she walked.

Hannah getting ready to go down the slide.

Morgan and Blake enjoying all the fun at the museum!

Thank you Jenn for taking us along to the museum. Hannah had such a good time and we can't wait to do it again sometime!

Beaches of Indiana

It was a gorgeous day and so we decided when Daddy got home from work we would jet to Michigan City to visit the beach. Hannah hated the sand so much in Punta Cana that I was curious to see how she would do.

Here is a picture from one angle of the beach with the lighthouse in the background. It's pretty neat because on a clear day like today you can see the skyline of Chicago. I took a picture of it, but didn't have my bigger lens and you couldn't see it unless I zoomed way in and it made it all blurry. Next time I'll be prepared and bring my larger lens :)

Hannah loved playing in the sand as long as she was on the beach towel. She played with her rake, bucket and toys in the sand.

BUT...once the sand got on any part of was another story. She wanted her hands wiped off as soon as possible! We tried to stand her up in the sand too and get her to walk down to the water, but she freaked out!

So Daddy carried her to down to feel the FREEZING cold water! Such a sweet photo though!

Overall we had a great evening. We stopped by the outlet mall on our way out and picked up a couple of deals for Hannah at the Carter's store. Then she was wiped out and ready for bed so we loaded up in the car and headed home! Can't wait for many more trips to the beach this summer and fall. Hopefully one of these days she'll decide that the sand isn't so bad after all!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

1st Trip to the Zoo

My first official week of summer is finally here! We didn't waste any time starting all the fun things I want to do so Daddy took the day off and we headed to the zoo for the first time. Hannah loved it. She was so excited to see all the animals. She was waving hi to them all and especially got excited when we saw the monkeys! She has mastered what a monkey says and was chiming right in with them! :)

Checking out the very 1st animal. Her reaction..."Ooooooohh!" :)

Daddy and Hannah posing for a picture!

Mommy and Hannah's turn for a photo!

Checking out the lions sleeping! She did a very good job growling at them though :)

Waving hi to the kangaroos

Saying hi to the turtles. She was talking up a storm to them!

It was a successful great trip to the zoo. She was wiped out and fell asleep on the way home! We got a membership so I'm sure we will be back plenty this summer!

Memorial Day Weekend

Summer time at last!! I'm so excited to be wrapping up this school year and looking forward to be spending the summer with this sweet baby girl of mine! :) For Memorial Day weekend, we headed over to my sisters house to celebrate Trevor's birthday and just hang out as a family. As always we had a blast. It's so cute watching Hannah and Audrey play together now that Hannah has finally gotten a little bit bigger. It's still hard to believe she is only less than 4 months younger than her...they still look like they are a couple of years apart! Here are some pictures from the afternoon/evening!

Enjoying some fun time swinging!

Relaxing with Grandma!

Pool time fun!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

April 2010

Well it's back to reality now that we are home from Punta Cana! That also means back to some chilly weather. We headed over to Aunt Karen's house one day to play with Audrey and to let Hannah swing for the first time. She absolutely loved it.

Then we decided to take a walk and Hannah was lucky enough to enjoy the ride in Audrey's cool car. Do you think she enjoyed it?

Later on in the month we broke out our sand and water table. We started off with only water. She loved it and was soaked by the end of it!

Hannah loves playing with her Little People Animals! She went through a period of time where she would line them all up on the tile and talk to them. SO cute!

Later that afternoon we headed out to play in the grass. Life is good when you are this happy just being outside!

As you can see...we are very blessed with a happy baby! Her smiles light us up and make us laugh thats for sure!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spring Break 2010

During Spring Break, we flew to Punta Cana in the Domenican Republic with my parents and my sister Karen and her family, as well as a friend/co-worker of mine and her family. We had such a blast and will have lifelong memories of the trip! Hannah did such a great job the entire week, although I learned right from the start that I needed to go with the flow and not worry about sleep and routine! We left around 2 a.m. for Chicago and Hannah decided she was going to be up for the majority of the trip to the airport. She was giggling, babbling, etc, but at least she was happy. She finally crashed for a little bit, and ended up sleeping on each of the flights cuddled up on Daddy! Needless to say, EVERYONE was extremely happy to get off the planes and make our way to the resort.

Hannah waiting to get on the plane!

We stayed at the Iberostar Punta Cana. Most of the week was spent by the pool. Hannah absolutely hated the sand! We tried a couple of times but it wasn't worth the fight. She stayed in her float the first few days, but then discovered she could explore the baby pool better without it! We had so many good pictures of our trip. I tried to combine some into collages to make it easier. If you haven't seen them all and would like to, most are on facebook and I can send you the link if you need it!

Some family photos in a great place!

Hanging out by the pool! She was great keeping her sunglasses and hat on most of the time!

WHAT A VIEW!! A few of my favorite pictures of the pool and beach!

The week flew by and soon we were on our way back home. The flight back Hannah did very well again. She loved watching some dvds of Mickey Mouse and fell asleep again on both flights!


It's about time right?

Well now that it's summer time, I thought it would be a perfect time to get started on this. I've wanted to for a while now, but balancing home and work has been challenging enough! Bare with me as I go backwards a bit and try to bring you up to date with our lives :) Spring Break seems like a great place to start....