
Friday, July 23, 2010

17 months old!

Well as I am trying to catch up on all this summers events, I thought I better update a little about our little peanut as she is 17 months old today! At 15 months she was 17 lbs 5 oz which is below the zero percentile. Last time I put her on the scale she was 18 lbs..needless to say, still a peanut! I cannot wait until she hits the 20 lb. mark and we can FINALLY turn her around to front facing in her car seat!

Hannah is a little chatterbox. With that comes a lot of frustration because she can't always communicate what she wants. Sometimes she gets a bit loud saying "I want that! I want that!" What a great first sentence to learn huh? :) Hannah loves to sing. She will sing her ABC's (she can recite them to G..with E F G being the clearest) and most of the time just babbles to the tune, especially when we are in the car.

She is a social butterfly. When we are walking around stores, every time we see someone, she says Hi! Literally to everyone! For the most she will go to anyone after a few minutes.

Hannah finally started walking at 15 1/2 months. She has mastered that enough that she basically runs if she sees something she wants...or runs as she chases after me. We are quite the momma's girl these days. She loves to try and walk backwards and lately she has discovered she can side step and likes to do that around in a circle. It's pretty funny to watch.

Like I said, she is quite a chatterbox. Let me see if I can think of all the words she can say. Her best phrase is ALL BETTER! She lets you know when something isn't right and when we fix it, thats the response we get! Other words: Hi, bye, doggie, birdie, fishy, mickey, cheese, water, ball, daddy, momma, Audi (her cousin), that, this, blankie, shoe, out, done, off (she will tell you she wants her shoes off), on, thank you, excuse me, bless you, Papa (for Grandpa). She can count to 1, 2, 3. We are working on animal sounds...she has the monkey down pat, her dog sounds like a monkey half the time, and growls for bears. She has started agreeing with what you are saying, if she wants it. She answers with OK..its pretty cute. She will ask "What is this (or that) when looking at things in a book. She wants me to tell her what EVERYTHING is! I'm sure there are more, and some probably pretty obvious that I am forgetting, but oh well! :)

Hannah loves to dance. She swings her hips back and forth pretty fast and bounces up and down whenever she hears music. Sometimes she'll put her arms up in the air and wave them too. She loves music! Overall we still have a very happy little girl. She is a complete ham and when people come over she definitely loves the attention and eats it up. She's a bit of a show off :) I have a feeling that smile will get her away with somethings in life....She certainly makes you laugh and brightens up your day. We couldn't feel more blessed that after it taking so long, we have an incredible little angel we get to hold each and every day!

Hannah enjoying sitting and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

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